Home Editor's Pick How Zachary Cefaratti Saved the Life of Saila Grace Sevilleno – A Story of Loyalty and Devotion

How Zachary Cefaratti Saved the Life of Saila Grace Sevilleno – A Story of Loyalty and Devotion

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In the heart of Dubai’s bustling financial hub, DIFC, a remarkable story of compassion and humanity unfolded.

Founder of Dalma Capital Zachary Cefaratti not only built a successful firm but also saved a life in a way that has touched the hearts of many. This is the story of how Zachary’s unwavering support and kindness gave a new lease on life to his housekeeper, Saila Grace Sevilleno.

A New Beginning

Dalma Capital was established by Zachary Cefaratti in 2011, a testament to his lifelong devotion to finance. His journey began early, investing as a child actor and later studying at prestigious institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania, the London School of Economics, and Franklin University. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to start a brokerage firm to fund his education, and after a successful exit, he launched Dalma Capital.

In 2017, Saila Grace Sevilleno entered Zachary’s life. Initially working for him via an agency, Saila always dreamt of a stable job with a kind employer. Unhappy with the agency’s treatment, she approached Zachary for a full-time position. Despite not needing a full-time housekeeper, Zachary was delighted to hire her, doubling her requested salary. Saila’s role primarily involved looking after Zachary and his beloved dogs, with occasional culinary duties thanks to Zachary’s support in helping her attend culinary school.

Acts of Kindness

Zachary’s generosity extended beyond employment. When Saila’s son needed educational resources and tuition assistance, Zachary stepped in. He financed her son’s tuition and ensured he could visit Dubai, especially when Saila fell ill. When Saila’s mother passed away, Zachary and his own mother, Brooke, whom Saila fondly calls “Mamita,” provided emotional support, helping Saila cope with her loss and welcoming Saila’s son to stay with Zachary in Dubai.

In early 2021, tragedy struck. Saila was diagnosed with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), a condition that seemed insurmountable. When Zachary learned of her diagnosis, he met with her doctor, who recommended sending Saila back to the Philippines due to the high cost of treatment in Dubai and the bleak prognosis. The doctor suggested she might find some charitable dialysis to extend her life by a few months but deemed her condition fatal.

Unwavering Support

Despite the grim outlook, Zachary never hesitated. He sought second and third opinions from the best nephrologists in Dubai, ensuring Saila received top-notch care. He facilitated her dialysis at the American Hospital, renowned for its dialysis center, and looked into transplant options at Mediclinic, known for its transplant team. Throughout this challenging journey, Zachary provided unwavering emotional support, constantly reassuring Saila that she was family and that he would bear all the costs.

When Saila learned about the exorbitant costs of her treatment, she wanted to return to the Philippines, feeling she didn’t deserve such expensive care. Zachary, with tears in his eyes, hugged her and said, “You are my family. You don’t need to worry.” This assurance gave Saila the strength to continue her dialysis in Dubai.

Finding a Donor

As Saila’s condition deteriorated, Zachary knew the only hope was a kidney transplant. After discovering that his blood type was not a match and facing a lengthy transplant list, Zachary sought an altruistic donor. His efforts bore fruit when Dan from Kenya responded to a LinkedIn post about Saila’s case. Despite legal challenges in Dubai regarding non-family donors, Zachary organized tests and trips for Dan, striving to make the transplant possible.

The Long Road to a Miracle

The search for a donor was an arduous journey filled with hope, setbacks, and relentless determination. Zachary Cefaratti’s unwavering commitment to finding a kidney for Saila Grace Sevilleno led him to Dan in Kenya. Dan’s willingness to donate stemmed from his own family’s experience with kidney failure, although legal hurdles in Dubai posed significant challenges.

Despite these obstacles, Zachary’s resolve never wavered. He organized multiple tests and trips for Dan to hospitals equipped with the necessary facilities, navigating the convoluted process with perseverance and hope. Dubai’s laws at the time did not permit non-family donors, and while changes to the legislation were anticipated, the timeline remained uncertain.

During this period, Saila’s health continued to decline, and her spirit began to falter. Zachary’s constant reassurance and emotional support were her lifeline. He remained a pillar of strength, concealing his own stress to prevent adding to Saila’s burden. As time passed, the urgency of finding a donor grew more critical.

The Call That Changed Everything

One day, a glimmer of hope emerged. Saila received a call about a potential matching kidney, and she needed to go to the hospital immediately for further tests. The excitement was palpable, but so was the fear that the match might not be suitable. Zachary accompanied Saila to Mediclinic City Hospital, where they anxiously awaited the results.

The tests confirmed a match, and the transplant was scheduled. The hours leading up to the surgery were filled with a mix of hope and anxiety. Zachary stood by Saila, offering unwavering support. He provided her with the confidence she needed to face the operation, knowing that this could be the turning point in her battle against ESRD.

The Transplant

The day of the transplant was one of immense emotion. Saila’s surgery proceeded successfully, and the doctors were optimistic about the outcome. The match was so perfect that it seemed almost miraculous, as if the donor had been a sister to Saila. When Saila woke up from the surgery, one of her first actions was to call Zachary and tell him the good news.

Saila remained in quarantine in the ICU for several weeks, during which Zachary visited her regularly, offering support from outside the glass of her sealed room. The doctors and nurses frequently commented on Zachary’s nobility and how fortunate Saila was to have such a dedicated employer. “We’ve never seen a boss like him,” they often said, recognizing the extraordinary lengths to which Zachary went to ensure Saila’s well-being.

A New Lease on Life

Saila’s recovery was not without challenges. Initial ups and downs included the risks of organ rejection and infections, requiring rehospitalization on several occasions. Zachary’s steadfast support never wavered during these trying times. He ensured that Saila received the best medical care and that her recovery was as smooth as possible.

Over time, Saila’s health stabilized. Her kidney function returned to normal, and she was able to resume a semblance of normal life. The lifetime requirement for medication was a small price to pay for the gift of life she had received. Saila’s gratitude toward Zachary and the anonymous donor was immeasurable, and she looked forward to continuing her work, supporting Zachary and his beloved dogs.

Reaching Out to the Donor’s Family

Zachary and Saila attempted to contact the donor’s family through the hospital, hoping to express their gratitude. They understood the immense loss the family had endured and wanted to honor the donor’s memory. “Our message for them is one of immense gratitude, but also deep sorrow that they lost their loved one. We hope that we can help honor the memory of their loved one, who is a hero and who saved Saila’s life,” Zachary expressed.

Reflections and Impact

The journey of saving Saila Grace Sevilleno’s life has left an indelible mark on both her and Zachary Cefaratti. For Saila, the experience was transformative. Once a housekeeper facing a grim diagnosis, she emerged with a new lease on life, thanks to the extraordinary kindness and determination of her employer. She continues to work for Zachary, supporting him and his dogs, and is deeply grateful for the chance to live a full life.

For Zachary, the experience was equally profound. “It was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. I am so delighted to have been able to help someone who is a shining light in the world. It was extremely uplifting for me personally, and professionally it helped me realize that I need to rise above challenges,” he reflects. Zachary’s actions have shown that true leadership extends beyond the boardroom, encompassing empathy, compassion, and unwavering support for those in need. He shared he would do the same for anyone on his team, and that he would always support anyone working for him to overcome personal challenges.

A Lesson in Humanity

Zachary’s commitment to Saila’s well-being has not gone unnoticed. Doctors and nurses who witnessed his dedication often described him as “noble,” expressing that they had never seen any employer go to such lengths for a domestic worker. Their admiration for Zachary’s actions underscores the rarity of such selflessness in today’s world.

Saila’s story also serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of treating domestic workers with dignity and respect. Zachary hopes that their story will inspire others to show love and appreciation for the hard work and dedication of domestic workers, who often face challenging circumstances.

Gratitude and Moving Forward

Today, Saila is healthy and looks forward to continuing her work with Zachary. Her story is a testament to the power of kindness and the profound impact one person’s actions can have on another’s life. Zachary and Saila remain hopeful that they can one day personally thank the family of the anonymous donor who saved her life.

Zachary’s journey with Saila has been a powerful reminder of the impact one person can have when they choose to care deeply for another. It is a story of resilience, compassion, and the extraordinary bond that can form between individuals from different walks of life. As Saila continues to thrive, she and Zachary exemplify the profound truth that love and kindness can indeed save lives.

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