Home Editor's Pick Top 5 Use Cases for Bubble in 2024: From MVPs to Full-Scale Applications

Top 5 Use Cases for Bubble in 2024: From MVPs to Full-Scale Applications

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Bubble is a no-code technology that is progressively growing in popularity these days. There are many myths surrounding this type of platform.

Many people believe they’re suitable only for a few applications and don’t allow custom development. In this article, we want to review the top 5 use cases for Bubble in 2024 and highlight that this technology is usable in a genuinely vast number of scenarios.

Use case 1. MVP creation

The first reason to use a technology like Bubble is undoubtedly MVP creation. What is an MVP? An MVP is a minimum viable product. It’s a version of the product that has a minimum number of features necessary for a successful launch. An excellent example of an MVP was the early implementation of Uber. Its creators used SMS technologies to emulate their future software platform. In this regard, Bubble is a technology that allows the same effect to be achieved. You can create a site or even an app fast with the help of this technology. Yes, it may have some limitations in terms of features. Nonetheless, you’ll be able to highlight the main reasons to purchase your product via this format. Our experience shows that an MVP can be created within one to two weeks with the help of no code. This is much faster than what traditional technologies allow (they may require up to a month for an efficient MVP).

Use case 2. Creating landing pages

The second use case for Bubble in 2024 is the creation of landing pages. Bubble is a perfect technology for site creation. Let’s imagine that you want to describe your product on the Internet. Traditional development takes up to a month if you want to create a site of this kind. Bubble solves this problem once and for all by allowing you to create an online business card for your company without using any code. Internal elements developed by the Bubble team and outside enthusiasts are more than sufficient to deliver any kind of platform. Therefore, Bubble software development services are often a great choice if you need to represent your business online. Many companies don’t focus on some form of an online app. For example, manufacturing businesses fully concentrate on warehouse production. Bubble offers them cheap technology to represent their business on the Internet.

Use case 3. Sales app development

An everyday use case for many businesses is the need to create an app to sell their products. Let’s imagine that you have a bakery that wants to expand into deliveries. You may need an app that would act as a landing page for your products and have a full-scale checkout for your main lines of goods. The customers should be able to review products and then comfortably buy them. In the past, the development of an app for your business would take multiple months and require significant expenditures. Bubble solves this problem once and for all. Within 2 weeks to a month (as opposed to 2 to 3 months) and at a much lower cost, you can develop a full-scale retail app via Bubble. Considering that competition is becoming increasingly harsh in the modern world, this capability is highly vital for quickly reaching the market and capturing the most critical niches first. The functions of your app will not be different from a traditional app. It will be capable of leading the customers through every part of the buying process.

Use case 4. HR app development

The HR field is one more sector that can significantly benefit from the investments in Bubble development. HR apps usually require access to large databases of information about various potential employees. Bubble is a technology that is perfect for this goal. On the one hand, it has a robust solution for the front end. Creating user-friendly interfaces is extremely simple with the help of Bubble. On the other hand, this technology also has excellent integration tools for various forms of databases. This means that you can use it to quickly create elaborate frameworks for tracking large amounts of user data. This combination, ultimately, allows for the creation of solid HR tech. You can create apps that combine comfortable interfaces with potent features for integrating vast amounts of user data.

Use case 5. AI-driven app

Modern Bubble also allows for the integration of powerful AI capabilities. Firstly, the platform is notable for integrating AI as a tool for helping developers. This means that you can generate some aspects of your app with the help of artificial intelligence. Secondly and more importantly, Bubble includes the ability to integrate AI tools into your app. Right now, Bubble allows the integration of the most popular generative technologies like ChatGPT into your product. Why is this so highly vital? This means that you can harness the power of AI to offer customer support or even search for interesting listings if you’re creating real estate applications. There’s often no need to code anything: the Bubble development team and the no-code enthusiasts deliver many modules that are free of charge.

Custom development capabilities

The most widespread myth about Bubble is that it doesn’t allow custom development. The reality is highly different. You can easily add custom code to Bubble if you need it. Therefore, the platform is, more or less, suitable for almost any type of development as long as it doesn’t involve complex calculations. Modern mobile and web apps can be fully developed with the help of Bubble in the majority of cases.


In this light, it’s rational to search for companies that combine Bubble development with custom coding. This combination should allow you to develop apps at a lower cost and faster. What are our recommendations for selecting high-quality development partners? Look for companies like Keenethics. They should have multiple years of experience on the market and a unique focus on no-code development. In many cases, this combination can cut your development costs almost in half.

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